Hi All:

Is this by design? If so it is not functional for me because some
intended recipients are skipped.

1. Individual contacts in the address book generally contain
distinct email addresses. One or two contacts in my address book
share email addresses. These are listed as separate contacts, but
have the same email address.

2. Open the address book. Select an address book or highlight all
contacts (it does not matter). Choose "Mass mailing using
template." Send the results to the outbox.

3. If there are 500 contacts in the address book with two pairs of
duplicate addresses, only 498 emails will be generated.

I hope I have been clear about this problem.

Using The Bat! v3.0.1.33 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1


"Maybe between the time I left Camp David and here I'll learn more." — Bush, speaking 
to reporters after returning from Camp David. Source: Public Papers of the Presidents, 
"Remarks on Returning From Camp David, Maryland, and an Exchange with Reporters," 
March 23, 2003

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