Hello George,

  A reminder of what George M. Menegakis typed on:
  08 November 2004 at 21:20:06 GMT +0100

GMM> [1]  Well,  I  tried  two  times.  The  first  time  I  selected  "Store
GMM> external  attachments  in  message  bodies"  and the second time didn't.
GMM> It didn't matter, the bat didn't restore my emails.

 Yes, I tried that. I also loaded up both sets of registry entries to try to
 work my way through to see what differences there were... Gave up after
 947th =dword:

 That's why I asked very nicely if RIT could provide one...

 Pretty please again :)


Best regards,    Tony.   
 Message composed on 08/11/2004 at 20:58 UTC   2004 - AWB
 Using The Bat! v3.0.2.6 on Windows XP 5. 1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2

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