Hello Tony,

  A reminder of what Tony Boom typed on:
  08 November 2004 at 22:13:49 GMT +0100

TB>  It's parked, filed and marked all ready for tomorrow when I am going to try
TB>  that. I just hope having two instances running will allow me to copy and
TB>  paste my filters across.

 Well I tried it, it works a treat and my filters copy and paste across
 fine. Import a few messages and hopefully it'll be sorted.

 And I've installed the encrypted version inside the normal versions folder
 so that both versions get backed up together, respective registry entries

 Thanks Marek.

 All this excitement has got me replying to myself here... Sad, very sad :)


Best regards,    Tony.   
 Message composed on 09/11/2004 at 10:11 UTC   2004 - AWB
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