On Sun, 21 Nov 2004 10:28:35 -0600, Bill McCarthy wrote:

> > What is this question about? If I reply Yes, then that is the end of
> > the operation, but I don't know what I just agreed to. If I reply No,
> > then the Edit Address Entry dialog reopens, like before, only this
> > time when I click OK, the operation completes.
> When you ask to add all the sender fields to the
> address book, you are presented with the first in an AB
> edit dialog.  If that's not the one you want to add,
> click cancel and the next one is presented.

Bill, thanks for your effor to explain this, but...

Actually, Bill, the command that I use is "Specials>>Add Sender to
Address Book". I do not see any command to "add all sender fields to
the address book". Clicking Cancel may end the operation. Sometimes it
does not end the operation, and I get presented with the exact same
dialog box (same address information).

> If there's any remaining after you accept one, you get
> the dialog to accept all remaining (yes puts them all
> in the same AB Group without edit dialogs.

The problem being, of course, that you generally don't know what you
have put into your address book.

> If you select No, that means you don't want to place
> them all there or you want to edit them before placing
> them - and you might want to change their Group.  You
> will get an edit dialog for each - change and accept
> them or click cancel to bypass one.

But here the problem is that when I click No, I generally get an
address book entry that is exactly the same as the one that I just
accepted by clicking OK. It makes no sense to nag me about something
that I have just done a few seconds earlier.

> If you choose Cancel from the Yes/No/Cancel dialog, the
> remaining sender addresses are skipped.

That is correct.

Anyway, in my estimation, none of this makes any sense. It is just a
time-consuming annoyance, undocumented and unproductive. But it seems
that I am the only person irritated by it, so I might as well let the
matter drop.

Avi Yashar
Windows XP Pro SP2 and The Bat! Pro

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