Hi 9Val,

On Tuesday, November 23, 2004 20:56 your local time, which was 18:56 my
local time, 9Val [9] wrote;

CW>> This sounds great, but I can still only get 1 connection to the server,
CW>> even with up to 5 allowed and I've tried checking the 'save 1 for
CW>> download' option aswell.

9> Have you restarted program?

Yep, now I get 2 connections, number 1 & 4. What happened to 2, 3 and 5?

9> Does  your  server  allow  multiple connections?

I guess so going on the above :-/ I would need to find out to confirm.

9> Have  you  noticed connection number change during work?

Not that I'm aware of.

Hmm, I'm still getting hanging connections to the server. It's been
hanging now for a good 5 minutes without doing anything :-(

Also, I can't delete requests from the queue by either using the 'del'
key, or right clicking the connection  and deleting :-(


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