Hello Robert,

RvdH> When shutting down TheBat I get the (in)famous dialog that says that "One 
RvdH> more connections is still active. Shutdown anyway ?". No matter which
RvdH> button I choose (Yes, No, Cancel) TheBat refuses to shutdown. The only
RvdH> thing that works is to kill it from the Taskmanager.

I haven't experienced this bug until I switched from bundled "BayesIt" to
"Antispam Bayes Filter Plugin v2.0.0". Even though no tasks are listed
in the "connection centre" I can't close TB.

I have my "connection center" dialog set to automatically show and
hide when retrieving mail. Since I started using BF I've also noticed
the "connection center" window never hides anymore, even though
nothing is listed in it.

I would imagine these two problems are related and have something to
do with either the Bayes Filter plugin or TB's API (or the

Is everyone experiencing this problem using BF, or any plugin for that
matter? Does the problem go away if all plugins are disabled/deleted?

Might be worth checking into...

Best regards,

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