Hello Dennis!

On Tuesday, January 18, 2005, 6:46 AM, you wrote:

> Quoting Marck D Pearlstone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> ------------------snipped--------------

>> They have announced right here that their version / beta release
>> policy has changed and that they will never again release
>> bug-ridden versions just because marketing tell them the time is
>> right.

And Dennis Hays then said:

> And to add to this thread...

> RITLabs has agreed to a proposal Dierk Haasis and I submitted
> regarding the re-write and updating of the Help text. Currently,
> Dierk and I are busy reformatting, redesigning, and rewriting.

Wow! What an excellent public announcement!

It adds emphasis to the need for patience cited also by Richard
Wakeford and by Dierk, and, by implication, by you, Dennis.

Other needs--and wishes--by TB! users are, I am confident, being
addressed in the same way, quietly, behind the scenes. I have seen
comments by Allie Martin, for instance, from time to time, about the
work he is helping with on IMAP.

I know that Marck and others help behind the scenes.

Everything cannot be done in public. I seem to recall 9Val asking
once--I'm paraphrasing--"Would you prefer that I work on the bug or
discuss things endlessly here on the list with you?"

We are only a little past halfway into January, 2005. The tasks the
developers are addressing are really complex. Like producing a decent
Help File, getting things "right" enough to show to us ordinary beta
testers may take months, in my opinion.

Patience, indeed, is a good watchword. I'm all for it!!

Best regards,
The Bat on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 2

 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

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