Dear Goncalo,

@13-Feb-2005, 13:19 Goncalo Farias [GF] in
mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED] said to Dierk:

DH>> Not the first time I do note this on list: Whatever RITLabs
DH>> chooses to do, it is wrong. They can't win.

GF> I disagree. They could win, all they would have to do is to inform
GF> us periodically about their 'ultrasonics' (roadmap), their
GF> progress with new betas and bugfixes. In fact that's all we ask,
GF> isn't it?

Yes. And it's what we get. Most people have the patience to wait
between such events. Those that don't and feel the burning need to
push, nag and cajole are in violation of the purpose of this mailing
list and will be treated accordingly. Yes, it is a reasonable question
to ask. This is not the forum in which to ask.

,------/ From the list welcome and monthly reminder \------
TBBETA Mission statement
The  TBBETA  list  has been set up for the purpose of discussing The
Bat!  officially released Beta test versions and related issues. For
general  topics  of  a  more  simple  nature  regarding full release
versions, refer to TBUDL. For more complex topics refer to TBTECH.

An  'officially  released'  beta  version  is  one  which  has  been
announced  *by  RITlabs*  on the TBBETA list, usually with a list of
`------\ End /------

Pre-discussion, nagging and demands for roadmaps are deliberately not
included in the mission statement.

Now, I accept that you and Avi may not like it and consider my
attitude overbearing and that I am a power crazed megalomaniac with
nothing better to do the throw my weight around and impose meaningless
rules on unruly masses and who do I think I am and who gave me the
authority and... Actually, that's a pretty good description of me.
I'll stop right there. :-)

... <snip>

DH>> Can't we just leave them alone? Or do we really need this list as
DH>> an indicator that we are alive*?

GF> I guess we're not asking much. We just want to know how their work
GF> in progress is going. How many bugs have actually been corrected.

You will know as soon as that information is publicly available. As
always. To ask for the information when it is not available is
*clearly* asking too much. I am going to have to shoot this horse soon
if it doesn't keel over of its own accord.

If you want to discuss issues that don't relate to the last released
beta version, start your own mailing list and ask the RIT guys to
join. Or mail them privately.

Cheers --  //.arck D Pearlstone -- List moderator and fellow end user
TB! v3.0.2.10 on Windows NT Clone 5.2.3790 

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 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

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