Hallo Claude,

On Thu, 17 Feb 2005 23:21:35 +0100GMT (17-2-2005, 23:21 +0100, where I
live), you wrote:

CR> 1.
CR> what about adding the ability of choosing ldap adress books in the
CR> options/preferences/system/autocomplete adress from... All adress
CR> books ...

LDAP address books are included in the 'All Address Books', at least
they were when I was playing with LDAP in the v2 series.

CR> 2.
CR> What about adding an option in the options/preferences dialog to give the
CR> possibility to the user to store its preferences in a  local .ini file
CR> in case of storing the bat! and e-mails on a usb key ?

And where would you like to store that value? In the registry, so that
you need the registry after all? Or in the .ini file, so that all
users on the same computer are bound to same settings?
A .ini file only works when you don't use the registry and when you
don't use the registry, it's hard to make a difference between
different user profiles...

CR> 3.
CR> Adding the ability to share an address book with the time&chaos
CR> software...

s I don't use T&C myself, I couldn't care less. Sharing the AB sounds
cool, but who's got to change the AB-format: TB or T&C?

CR> Should I add those suggestions on the Ritlabs Bt system ?
Not for me, but YMMV

Groetjes, Roelof

"Being right too soon is socially unacceptable." -- Heinlein               Û

The Bat!
Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2
1 pop3 account, server on LAN

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