Hello George,

  A reminder of what George M. Menegakis on TBBETA typed on:
  21 February 2005 at 23:26:03 GMT +0100

GMM> I downloaded this file and extracted the three images to tbat program 
GMM> but I have no icons. Only text labels (in all cases except message 
GMM> where I see icons and the main menu twice!)

 You need the batskin.xml file that has already been sent to this list twice.\
 Try that, it should work.


Best regards,    Tony.   
 Message composed on 21/02/2005 at 22:39 UTC   2004 - AWB
 Using The Bat! Deep Alpha on :gentoo: www.gentoo.org

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 Current beta is Deep Alpha | 'Using TBBETA' information:
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