Salutation TBBETA,

On 22 February 2005, at 21:33:17 +0000 (which was 21:33 where I live) Tony
Boom graced us with these comments

> Surprisingly quiet on here under the circumstances isn't it?


No one can get it to work. :)


 Cheers,                   _______________________________________________
  David                   |    David  Elliott    |   Software  Engineer   |
 _________________________| [EMAIL PROTECTED] | PGP Key ID 0x650F4534  |
| Al Bundy on the Enterprise! On the next Oprah!                          |
| Using The Bat ! Rush pro                                        |
| but crippled by Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2                      |

Attachment: pgpvEmDfhCY1U.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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