Hello David,

  A reminder of what David Calvarese on TBBETA typed on:
  25 February 2005 at 21:54:55 GMT +0100

DC> They make Vacum cleaners that are self-propelled that you don't have to
DC> push.  They also advertise themselves as 'Self Propelled'.  Same with
DC> lawn mowers.

Plug their self in, recharge themselves, cut the grass, hoover the carpet
and then empty their selves as well do they? Wow! need to get me one of
those :)

DC> If TB! would get it's act together with those two things, I'd gladly
DC> switch back from Thunderbird

So for the sake of those two very minor details your forsaking all the rest
of TB's undisputed power and functionality? That's like winning a brand new
car and then going everywhere by bus because you don't like the colour.

Each to his own I suppose... Must go now, I've been asked to move out the
way for a minute by the vacuum cleaner :)

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