On Friday, February 25, 2005, 19:42, Dennis Hays wrote:

> What we all have in common, on this list, are the reasons we
> originally came to TB! And, from a marketing point of view, these have
> to be respected. I don't think most of us looked at this product
> because of its fine HTML viewer.

When I first started using TB!, HTML was merely not a question. Now it

The wish originally linked to in this thread was filed by me, mainly
because I then used TB! at work and had to deal with newsletter sent to
me in HTML, newsletter I could not read without downloading the inline

I had two choices, manually opening every newsletter in a separate
browser window or switching email client. I choose the former, but must
admit I at several time was close to switching email client instead.

I could not affect the ones sending those letters and I had to read them
to be able to carry out my daily work. As long as emails in the
corporate world are sent with inline images, a MUA targeted at the
corporate world must be able to handle inline images. The money is with
the corporate world and Ritlabs need the money, hence my request to
adjust TB! to fit the needs of corporate users.

I do however appreciate the focus on security and privacy and thus
suggested an *optional* *whitelist*, not a general downloading of all
images. But that has been covered in this thread several times already.

Marcus Ohlström

Using The Bat! v3.0.1.33 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 4
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