Hello Thomas!

On Monday, February 28, 2005, 8:08 AM, you wrote:

MB>> I am just one old-lady user. But I think perhaps there are others with
MB>> my needs using TB!, or out there as potential users, and it would be
MB>> so simple to respect this need of mine by having the capability OFF by
MB>> Default.

> The whole discussion is about an option that will be OFF by default
> anyway. ...

Some people don't want it OFF by Default (as in, the capability is not
there, by Default unless the User chooses to Configure the capability
through either a check-box in Preferences or a choice at

Tony, for example--unless I have misread him--wants it ON (the
capability) with no choice to disable, and a button appearing in the
Headers with which to choose at each message whether to Display or

I can just see myself accidentally clicking on such a button and here
comes my sister Sue's latest worm--I am dead serious here, Thomas, and
not speaking ironically.

Mic came to my defense and tried to explain it to Tony, but Tony
rejected the idea even after Mic explained it.

So, please, don't you misunderstand, also, Thomas. I am not quite as
disabled as a blind person, but I am truly afflicted with a left-right
orientation disability, part of the perceptual-motor configuration of
my brain--sometimes referred to by the misnomer "dyslexia."

I don't want any functioning HTML buttons on my toolbar or in the

I want you, Thomas, and all those who have a need like yours, to have
the HTML capability for use in business and otherwise, as soon as
possible after IMAP has been made fully functional.

Tony wants that too. But he wants to leave me at risk, with a button I
could accidentally click on.

> Some people (like my suicidal self) want to turn it ON by
> choice, but there is no ON because of philosophical reasons. And
> that's all we are talking about: "Should there be a (hidden?) ON
> switch?" That's the only question.

I want you to be able to turn it ON (as in, Configure the Capability)
in Preferences (a one-time choice and not with every message as Tony
seems to envision) or else as a Configuration choice at Installation
(the situation now with TB! Pro's on-the-fly-encryption.)

> If "they" (the powers that be) decide to agree, it won't be
> implemented anytime soon anyway, because they first have to figure out
> the IMAP thingy.

My fervent prayer is that this--Fix Bugs in Deep Alpha/Make IMAP fully
functional/Make HTML suit the needs of those asking for it--will be
the order of business!!

Best regards,
The Bat on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 2

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