Hello Stefan,

Stefan Tanurkov wrote (in <mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>):

> Please feel free to send your comments/reports about other issues not
> listed above.

- counter of threads do not work

- Filter's efficiency in per cent is still wrong

- kontext menu (menu which appears if you do a right click) of the
  accounts offers entries which don't work with accounts (e.g. refilter,
  browse, compress)

- NFS: "Hot Key Only" isn't updated when "Hot Key" is disabeld

- NFS: Statistics - Every time a message triggered, it's also displayed
  as tested

- Can't find "test filter" in kontext menu (what's the english word
  for?) of a message.

- NFS: Whats the "Tag:" for?

Boris Anders, http://www.batboard.de

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