Hello Bill,  

BM> Call them whatever you like.  I like to call these
BM> interim builds pre-betas - they contain fixes and

Dailies  have nothing common with pre-betas, they are not even alpha -
Marck  found the best describing word - interim. Yes, they are interim
versions  which  show what changed, sometimes they are used just to be
at  the edge of TB! development, sometimes they are used as tracker of

BM> updates which will usually show up in the next beta.

I  can't  see,  how  these  updates  can  disappear  from  next  beta

BM> You are not doing any beta testing, you are alpha
BM> testing.  Have fun.

Disagree,  you  could  test so called "real current beta" and
report  bugs  but  that testing will not move any step forward current
development process.



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