Hi Peter,  

PF>    If messages are automatically filtered from an outbox to an IMAP
PF>    folder, the Outbox folder (local or remote) is not "unbolded" after
PF>    the message is sent. In other words, TB! does not know that the
PF>    message has be removed from the outbox. If you select the outbox
PF>    again, the bolding disappears. For me this is broken with Exchange
PF>    and Mailmax. See the thread beginning with

Couldn't  reproduce,  may be some other tips? Like immediately sending
or sending batch of mails?

PF>    Automatically saved drafts sometimes do not "supercede"/overwrite
PF>    previous versions of same message (Mailmax, remote outbox) => this is
PF>    probably due to the connection problem above: The delete flag not set
PF>    correctly as the connection hangs.

That's  strange  issue, sometimes I have no problems, sometimes Outbox
fills  too  fast.  Do you have any anchors like low speed? Or having a
lot of drafts?



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