Hi Mary and list,

On Friday, April 29, 2005 at 16:24:09 GMT -0500 (which was 23:24 where
I live) Mary Bull wrote (at least in parts) and made these valuable
points on the subject of "RC1, Message list in folder view,
read-unread distinction":

MB>>> There is no difference in color of the small envelopes to the left of
MB>>> the "Park" column.

>>  That's strange

> I should say that I'm using the Default Theme and color scheme. And I
> used to have yellow envelopes for unread messages.

Yep, same over here - but the icons _are_ different. For unread mail
the icons is a closed envelope, for read mail the envelope is opened
and a sheet is half pulled out (That's what I see :-) - looks like
printer-icon for me).

OK - quite nice, but I too liked the difference in color better. It's
easier to see it at a glance instead of having to _think_ about what
icon there is. Maybe the unopened icon can be colored too?


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