Hello Alto Speckhardt & everyone else,

on 05-Mai-2005 at 21:52 you (Alto Speckhardt) wrote:

> In continuous text, that might be. However, try this example:

...I know...

ASK>> We're not writing books, we're writing emails. :-) And turning
ASK>> auto-format on/off is only a simple keyboard shortcut away. Now,
ASK>> if I could only remember it... :-)

> CTRL-Shift-F. I remember it very well because it is always set to the
> position unsuitable for the text I'm currently writing, regardless of
> whether it's on or off.


ASK>> Thats why I'm not using auto-format but press ALT-L

> I didn't know that, thanks. Still, this makes it "bearable" until it is
> fixed, nothing more. It would be better for RIT to nip the whole
> GUI-thing in the bud and fix this single ... - well, let's call it a
> "peculiarity for those vi-type characters".

So what you're suggesting is that a hard line break should always be
exactly that. I can understand that, and it would certainly make the
auto-format option a lot more usable to me, too. So much that I could
eventually turn it on permanently. :-)

You could file a wish in BT and post the link here. I will support it.

Best regards,
 Alexander (http://www.neurowerx.de - ICQ 238153981)

He attracted some attention when he found the fourth dimension, But he
ain't got no rhythm. So no one's with him, The lonliest man in town.
-- Billie Holiday

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