Hello Arjan.

--On 18 May 2005 03:25 +0200 you wrote about Re: First Impressions:

> On the other hand there is Mulburry, incorrectly cutting off
> Message-ID's in the References headerline.

Wrong! Mulberry is not at fault in any way shape or form. I was of the same
opinion as you, I was defending TB! with my life. However it has been
irrefutably proved to me that my server is at fault and NOT Mulberry.
Mulberry has just managed to highlight bugs in my server setup.  
> Conclusion: Two mail clients not treating References ID's as they
> should do according to the relevant RFC.

Wrong again, there is only one that, even though on first appearances seems
to work properly, doesn't and it's not Mulberry.

The Bat is primarily a POP email client. The IMAP capability of TB! is
still in it's infancy and you can't perfect something as complicated as
IMAP in a day. As Stefan said...

S> So, the next Beta cycle is going to be primarily about: - IMAP (many
S> things will be rewritten)

I for one am thoroughly looking forward to testing it and the more people
that use IMAP the sooner TB! will be up to standard

I'm not using Mulberry because I prefer it to The Bat, nothing could be
further from the truth. I'm using Mulberry because I prefer IMAP. Praise be
to Allie for introducing me to it. 




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