Hello Thomas!

On Tuesday, May 17, 2005, 8:38 PM, you wrote, in part:

>>> My point is: The message list is not fixed in the current release.
MB>> Completely confirmed.
> Thanks.
MB>> But Stefan has implied that these aspects are a work-in-progress,

> Too bad. It means I cannot use v3.5 in the office. This version is a
> nice toy for my home, but not what I need in a heavy production
> environment. And I thought TB is *the* tool for the heavy user, and
> not just a toy.

It *is* a tool for the heavy user. And getting more so all the time.
You know that, Thomas! I think you couldn't resist the alliteration
and elegant word play. But to write "toy" in connection with TB! is to
slander it! :pointmade:

< ... >

> Did they say when TB will move back from "toy" status to "tool"
> status?

In connection with a threading issue, Stefan Tanurkov has posted on
TBUDL this morning that the hope is to make a post-release available
by the weekend.


There are so many "minor" (depending on the particular use needed)
things to fix, that I'm not sure whether the "empty space" one will be
among them. I'm counting on Stefan's "work in progress" comment to the
Bug Tracker issue report that I cited earlier in this thread.

Best regards,
The Bat 3.5 on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 2

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