Hello Thomas!

On Wednesday, May 18, 2005, 9:48 PM, you wrote:

>>> ... means I cannot use v3.5 in the office. This version is a
>>> nice toy for my home, but not what I need in a heavy production
>>> environment. And I thought TB is *the* tool for the heavy user, and
>>> not just a toy.

MB>> It *is* a tool for the heavy user. And getting more so all the time.
MB>> You know that, Thomas!

> Yeah? You must have missed my message
> mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED] I cannot use v3.5 in the
> office if the message list behaviour is not fixed. YMMV, but the new
> behaviour costs me too much time.

I understood that it was giving you too many problems. I just wanted
to tease you a bit about your sweeping language. :)

MB>> I think you couldn't resist the alliteration and elegant word
MB>> play. But to write "toy" in connection with TB! is to slander it!
MB>> ...

> The customisable toolsbars are a toy for me, while they are important
> to others. The new look is also nice but has nothing to do with a
> production environment.

Yes. Truer words never spoken. But you don't have to use that feature.
So I was objecting to what I read as your calling the entire program a
"toy." ;)

>>> Did they say when TB will move back from "toy" status to "tool"
>>> status?

MB>> In connection with a threading issue, ...

> Thanks for the mid. I have no problems with threading (works here as
> ever) and hope that the message list behavior will be fixed at the
> same time.

That's my hope, too.

MB>> There are so many "minor" (depending on the particular use needed)
MB>> things to fix, that I'm not sure whether the "empty space" one will be
MB>> among them.

> The empty space is a cosmetic issue. I am sure it is connected with
> the "clicking on the last message" issue and will be implicitely
> fixed (would be annoying otherwise).

Well, it's "wait and see time," nicht wahr? ;)

Best regards,
The Bat 3.5 on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 2

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