Hello Martin,

Saturday, May 21, 2005, 11:22:17 PM, you wrote:
M> No please again - stop this silly game with official betas, private
M> betas, closed betas, daily betas - it's absurd.

It's really not a game. The daily betas are there to test one or two
bugfixes at a time and they're generally meant to be tested by only
one or two people who were experiencing the problem. Since the person
who reported the bug is the one contacted to download the daily beta
and test the fix, they know what it is they're looking for. It
shouldn't matter one iota that there might have been other bugfixes,
because they're testing one specific fix for a problem they reported.

<moderator to everyone>

Unless you're one of the people contacted by RITLabs to test a fix on
a problem you reported, you shouldn't be downloading and using the
daily or any other beta other than an official one.

People who fail to follow that should *not* be posting to the beta
list about bugs or things fixed in daily betas either because it only
serves to cause a ruckus like we're experiencing now.

If you want to play with daily builds for the heck of it. That's your
call, but do *not* post information to the TBBETA list about it.

Thank you.

</moderator to everyone>

 __    ____  ____  ____   TBUDL/BETA/DEV/TECH Lists Moderator / PGP 0x6C0AB16B
(  )  ( ___)(_  _)( ___)  TBUDP Wiki Site: http://www.PCWize.com/thebat/tbudp
 )(__  )__)  _)(_  )__)   Roguemoticons: http://PCWize.com/thebat
(____)(____)(____)(__)    PCWSmileys: http://PCWize.com/thebat/pcwsmileys.php

Tagline of the day:
Don't you hate when the Moderators forget this is a hobby?

 Current beta is (none) | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

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