Hello Boris.

--On 23 May 2005 21:51 +0200 you wrote about Re: / 3.5 Postfix a
preview of issues to be tested:

> Use another mail-provider for the list or don't post until problem is
> fixed.

I won't post anymore then if you don't want me to. I'll just go over here
and sit in the corner and wait for them to fix it. I can read sometimes
though can't I? Please, go on let me, just read a few... Pleeease :(

> I believe that Tony really don't like "his" problem at all and
> tries hardly to solve it,

Tries hardly to solve it? I've been trying my little thingies off trying to
solve it! (I know, I know. No need to tell me.)

> but that doesn't solve problem right now :-(.

Oh alright then... There, fixed now?




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