Hi Mary,
   On 14/06/2005 11:43 AM -0500, you wrote:

>> b) memory problems.  After running the program for more than two
>> hours, when I shut down, lots of hanging and then sometimes I have to
>> kill the program.  Version 25 was a little better, not much.
> No such problem here. So, could you detail further circumstances of
> your specific set-up that might help the developers pinpoint why this
> is happening to you and not to most of the rest of us?

What more information would be helpful here? 

Anyway, to give Ethan something to test, I can confirm the increased
memory consumption. The 'good part' being that if you don't have TB!
set to always have its icon in the systray, the memory is released on
minimizing TB!..
>> d) Overall, a noted decrease in speed and performance over the last
>> official release.
> Again, this is way too general a comment to help anyone pinpoint
> what's going wrong for you. :(

Apart from some objective evidence, i.e., actual timings to help
eliminate subjectivity, I don't see what more can be said here..

What specifically would you wish to know?
> "Overall," I think, will not be constructive or helpful criticism.
> What's needed are specific reports of exact circumstances--when
> confirmed, these can be added to the Bug Track issues pages, where
> they can be assigned to specific programmers for work.

If the problem isn't specific, how can one give a specific report. One
can only report that they aren't happy and what the general problem is.

That's a start; i.e., communicating that you're not happy. Only the
developers or someone highly experienced in development and beta
testing etc. can point the person reporting in the right direction.
They're the ones that will have ideas about what could be wrong and ask
for the relevant information.

I've been there many times, i.e., starting general and being asked
specifics by developers. Things are mentioned that I'd just never think
of. If the reporter has specific circumstances, they'll usually state
it. Just asking for it without any guidance doesn't help. Frankly, I
don't know what to ask, but I sure acknowledge that he *is* having a
problem, even though I may not be able to duplicate it.
>> ...Furthermore, IMAP is still "questionable" at best. I've given up
>> on that front and use other programs if IMAP is required.
> Well, Jerry! Again, non-specific complaining. Everyone knows that IMAP
> is receiving serious work in the current beta series, or at least I
> would guess, everyone *should* know!!

I know, and I'm quietly using Mulberry here. Serious work doesn't take
this situation away... at least not yet. I don't really see it as a
complaint. He's stating his problems as you asked him to. The whole
IMAP deal is a can of worms and I fully understand his making a general
comment and not really getting into it. What would be the point of it?
It's so heavily discussed already. He's just mentioning it as part of
his pool of problems that you were curious about.
> I think, just my own opinion, the questions and complaints of the beta
> testers should be at least as specific and concise as Maxim's
> above-quoted list. :)

It cannot always be like that. I doubt it will ever be like that. He
has control, and he made specific changes that he can report on. 

OTOH, I may just see high memory usage ... and I just report what I see
and wait for further instructions. Quite often, and this memory issue
makes a good example, fixes are made without any query for specifics
after we simply reported the problem.
> For the sake of everyone's peace of mind, I hope that you will get
> some real (that is, road-map-type news), too. But I think the general
> direction of the work is clear, and that we can be most helpful by
> staying very specific in what we report and ask for on TBBETA.

That's an ideal that, IMO, will never be realized under the current
circumstances. I see something close to that ideal on other lists, but
the current conditions and communication levels make this a highly
unlikely thing to happen here. 

  Allie Martin
System specs: http://www.ac-martin.com/sysspecs.htm
I will defend to your death my right to my opinion.

 Current beta is 3.5.26 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

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