On 2005-06-24 (14:35), you wrote:
> First things first.

Tell this to RITLABS ...

> If IMAP and Exchange handling reach the quality level of POP, then by
> all means start playing around with nntp.

In  pronciples  you are all right, but in facts. For example: customisable
interface  is  not  connected  with  POP/IMAP/Exchange, but it took over 6
months  of  RITs  time.  You  may  not remember, but I do remember as RITs
promised  NNTP  before  lounching  version  2.xx ! It was a long time ago:
version 2.xx will have NNTP - and what? Nothing.
Working  with  exchage  is  wasting  of  time  -  The  Bat!  never  became
replacement  for  MS Outlook. But NNTP is big challange for RITLABS - they
try to avoid it.

Best regards, Krzysztof Kudlacik
pb   _,   )\__/(   ,_     Polska Strona Programu The Bat! |
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