Hi Francis

MS>> I  worries  me  that  it  seems  that  TheBat  came  to a stage where it is
MS>> difficult  to  find  bugs  and  hard to fix them. Old and very old bugs are
MS>> still  present  and  any  new version which claims to fix some bugs has new
MS>> ones - things which worked before are suddenly broken...

FS> 't might become difficult to browse through so many code lines...

FS> In  order  to  repair  one  bug introduced in 3.5.32, Ritlab came today with
FS> 3.5.33...  with  a  500  Kb  bigger  exe-file!!! thebat.exe is now weighting
FS> almost 12 Mb. Compare with a three month old version...

Not wishing to put words into any RL (or any other) keyboards here. This is just
a general observation.

Many  new  features  are  being  added  at  the moment. Often at this stage in a
program's  development  cycle  things  can  get  a little complicated. But those
growing  pains tend to be followed by good consolidation and a stronger, sleeker
program at the end of the process.

It's  a little like a bird emerging from its egg for the first time. When it was
an  egg,  all  it  had  to concern itself with was keeping its yoke together and
whether  the  speckles  on  its  shell  were lookin' good today. But then, as it
grows,  it gets a whole set of new stuff it needs to worry about: "What should I
do  with these enormous feet things?"; "Won't all this beak business just get in
the way?"; "What if I'm alergic to feathers?". The list, believe me, is endless!

And  in  the  end,  of course, the beak does get in the way and the cool-lookin'
shell  gets  broken and the feathers don't even work properly at first. And then
the  bird  trips  over those enormous feet things and quite possibly falls right
out of its comfort zone - I mean nest. Now, what kinda smart design is that?

Well,  I guess that'd be the kinda smart design where those feet things grow and
develop  and  become strong enough to power that swan across the largest lake it
can  find  and  where the feathers turn out to be really snug in winter, cool in
summer  and  even more cool when you get bored with swimming and fancy a spot of
flying - not to mention, of course, prettier than a very pretty thing.

And the beak? Well, I think the beak speaks for itself. :)


The Bat! 3.5.33 on Windows XP Professional 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2

 Current beta is 3.5.33 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

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