Hello Dwight!

On Friday, July 01, 2005, 11:42 AM, you wrote:

> I have been gradually changing subscriptions over from my various POP
> accounts to fastmail. I just received a confirmation message, which I
> would like to edit because it tells me what the password is. I'd
> rather not have that sitting around.

I guess that you do know the (only somewhat satisfactory) work-around
for that.

Do you happen to know whether a feature request to be able to edit the
incoming message is on BT Wish List? (Not that there's much hope of it
being implemented there, even as a User option, not the default.)

> Please don't tell me I should adopt OTFE to deal with this problem.
> Especially if you are among those having so much trouble with it.

You know, just thinking it over. I think as a temporary solution, what
I would do, faced with your problem, is to copy the entire message
with the password in it to a new message to myself. Then I would use
PGP to encrypt it (using my editor Privacy menu) and send it off. When
I received the encrypted message, I would make a new folder for it and
store it there.

Then I'd delete the old, original message. Yes, I would, even if that
destroyed the record that it had been sent and received.

Best regards,
The Bat 3.5.36 on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 2

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