Hi Allie,

On Saturday, 02 Juli 2005 at 3:23 PM you (Allie Martin) wrote:

> - I avoid working with large mailboxes, i.e., no more than 4000 messages
> per mailbox. This may be even less if I end up having say 5 or more
> folders with a large amount of messages.

That's right. The same applies for me. 4000 messages are to much in my 
environment, TB! struggles at a higher amount as 1000.

> - I currently don't subscribe to my junk mail or other mailboxes that I
> check infrequently. I check those via webmail. I do this because they
> interfere with smooth reading of unread mail while jumping from mailbox
> to mailbox automatically. I wish I could be subscribed to a mailbox but
> not have its counts updated unless I explicitly request it.

This especially applies for my sent folders. They don't need to be checked, 
when I don't do it manually.
I won't use the workaround with the web-interface - hey, I just want to read 
mail and don't have to do some work to be able to read mail.

> - I don't use a server side Outbox. It's just troublesome and often
> leads to multiple messages being sent and multiple messages being in the
> outbox when using the intermittent save option while composing.

I avoid a server side outbox too. I didn't get a problem with multiple 
messages otherwise, but - earlier, haven't tried new versions with a server 
side outbox - get an error that my message couldn't get prepared for 

> - I don't filter much with TB!

I filter nothing with TB!, because that's one of the things that brought me 
many duplicates...

> - I avoid opening large attachments in my lower bandwidth environment. I
> save them for when I get home. I may get multiple attachments in a
> single message, with a few being appropriate for viewing in a low
> bandwidth setting. However, TB! is all or none with attachment
> retrieval.

I don't get much attachments but when I get any, I like to open them 
separately. Would be cool, if TB! will support this.

> - I don't use any of the synchronise settings for any of my mailboxes. I
> disable synchronization for all mailboxes.

Beside filtering, synchronization brought me the most - have to say nearly all 
- problems with duplicate messages and "no message loaded" errors. Even with 
But, to be honest. I even didn't want to use synchronization - I turned it on 
by error.

> - I no longer use the ticker. I may revisit this since I haven't tried
> it in a long time.

Never used it...

> - I don't manage my mailboxes using TB!. I do it server side, i.e.,
> mailbox creations and deletions or making a folder a sub-folder or
> another.

Creation works fine, in earlier versions I got errors on deleting mailboxes. 
This errors in mind let me do such administrative things with a different 

> - setting up a server side filter to move all unfiltered mail to another
> mailbox so that I don't have to use the Inbox.

What's so curious about your inbox? Why does it differ from other folders?
And what works better with an empty inbox?

> So with all these 'workarounds'/avoiding or steering clear of behaviours
> may be creating an impression of tranquility. However, it's artificial
> in that I really shouldn't have to be avoiding features.

This list is impressive. But the more impressive thing is that I do the same 
when using TB!...

> However, with all that, I still somewhat prefer what it's doing now to
> Mulberry. I'm getting hooked again on the templates and MicroEd so I may
> be getting swooned into tolerating some 'gyrations' to get things
> working Ok. :)

So you're a really tolerative person, aren't you? ;-)
Thanks for the list, Allie. I' looking forward to read some more answers and 
comments from both sides - the users and developers.

Manuel, http://www.manuel-breitfeld.de

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