On Mon 4-Jul-05 1:53am -0500, Roelof Otten wrote:

> Hallo Bill,
> On Mon, 4 Jul 2005 01:29:54 -0500GMT (4-7-2005, 8:29 +0200, where I
> live), you wrote:

BM>> I use Ctrl-Right to read mail.  It skips to the next
BM>> unread message in the current folder (or the next
BM>> folder when all messages are marked read in the current
BM>> folder).
BM>> It is no longer going to the first unread message.

> Can't confirm.

Thanks for checking, Roelof.

I understand and can see the same behavior with all
messages visible.  When I started this thread, I didn't
realize that the behavior is different with my view
mode - which only shows unread mail.

let's first make sure we are in "(no view mode)".

In your TB! Beta folder, with all messages read, press
Alt+1 then Ctrl+= to be in standard threaded mode with
all messages visible - we should have a common starting

Now find the same structure and mark them unread so you
have, anywhere in a thread:

    A - unread
       B - unread
           C - unread

Now do View->Display->Only Unread messages.  Only those
three messages will be visible.

Position on message A, mark it read (Ctrl+M) and then
go to the account name in the folder tree.

Finally, when you press Ctrl+Right, you will be
positioned on message C instead of message B.

Can you confirm that?

Best regards,

The Bat 3.5.36 Pro  BayesIt! 0.8.1  X-Ray  XP Pro SP2  POP3

 Current beta is 3.5.36 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

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