Hello Clive,

> --On 5/07/2005 14:03 -0400 Vili wrote:
>> So, summary: IMAP is unuseful, really, as far as I see... The logic is
>> ok,  but  it  is  unreliable
> Welcome to the dark side! You will now be told by a number of users that
> there is no problem with TB's IMAP and that it's your fault/your 
> computer/your mail server etc. Well... we know better don't we.

My goal is to UNDERSTAND the differences between my system and their
system. This is how a bug can be caught :))

I  am  a research chemist by default, maybe I can say, a good one, :),
consistency paid off all the time, so far... Furthermore, I used to
write softwares, so if something reproducible, that can be fixed...


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