Hello tbbeta,

Just  FYI,  no  punt  intended  to  any  Mulberry  lover  :)         I
downloaded/installed Mulberry to see, how it works, and I have this in
the version list:

v4.0.1 : 29-Jun-2005
Minor Changes
*IMAP label names can now be customised.
*New quick search active icon indicator added.
*Calendar accounts can be dragged in calendar store view to re-order them.
*New admin tool for v4.

*Fixed bug with inline decrypt/verify not changing message text.
*Fixed bug with quick search state restore when switching tabs.
*Fixed bug with mis-labelled exception alert fields.
*Fixed bug with non-ascii characters in application path name.
*Fixed bug with multi-selections in lists being reset after dragging.
*Fixed bug with inability to select Selected Only search criterion.
*Fixed bug with crashes when replying/forwarding messages when the original 
message mailbox is reset.
*Fixed bug with missing spelling plugin causing a crash in preferences dialog.
*Fixed bug with wrong text/button colours being used.
*Fixed bug with incorrect line end encoding in generated iCalendar data.
*Fixed bug causing a crash when an empty webcal URL was used.
*Fixed bug with recurring calendar items not always including the initial 
instance in the recurrence set.
*Fixed bug when dealing with x509 certs with multiple email addresses.
*Fixed bugs with spelling checking of non-ascii text.
*Fixed bug causing a crash when adding text macros.

So, it has its problems, also... had crashes, also...


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