Hello Paul!

On Thursday, August 18, 2005, 1:27 PM, you wrote:

>>> Instead of jumping from the last header field to the body of the
>>> message, the cursor jumps to the Attachments Pane.

V>> Yes, but it is normal...

> Not normal through version

I know.

So possibly it is working as designed now, as Vili thinks, but it is
still disconcerting to me.

When I tab down from the subject line, I want to be ready to type in
my message text.

It's my habit to do a click on any attachment I've done, just to be
sure I haven't made some kind of error, before sending.

But I like to do that last. In case I may think of something else to
attach as I'm writing the message.

For keyboard fans, maybe a shortcut key could put them back over in
the Attachments Pane at the appropriate time.

It's just not logical-feeling, to me, to jump from the Subject: field
to the Attachments Pane.

Best regards,
The Bat 3.60.01 on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 2

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