Hi Villi,

In reply to <mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> :

V> Hello Goncalo,

>> Well,  that  doesn't  mean the bug is not there, does it? And I see
>> people interested in things less important.

V> Other  people  maybe too polite, my opinion is that you are selfish

No comments.

V> when   you   say  it.  AV  at  printing  was  REPRODUCIBLE,  memory
V> consumption is REPRODUCIBLE.

Memory consumption, if not due to leaks is not a bug but a feature.
And  this  problem  that  I'm  experiencing  is reproducible, at least
another user is experiencing the same issue.

I think that issues with the backup mechanism provided by TB should be
of  most  concern  for ALL TB users, experiencing or not the described

V> If  you  want,  send  me  the  TBB and TBI files ZIPped in private,
V> describe  the  problem,  and  if  I  can  reproduce your problem, I
V> promise, I will push this thing too. My intention is as yours: kill
V> the bugs. If it is there...

In your dreams! :)
I've  sent the offending mails to Maxim. At most, I'll treat my issues
with the developers if they care to solve this bug.

Best regards,
Goncalo Farias

Irony: God gave the tortoise a drag factor of .03

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