On 10/2/2005 at 4:22:29 PM [GMT -0500], John Thomas wrote:

> I agree that ALL syncro options should be disabled since they do not
> work.  It is better to not have a feature than have one that does not
> work, no?

Yes. I agree. On the one hand it can be so easy to mess up IMAP
performance when that flexibility is there. However, there are those who
wish for that flexibility and may well use it to their advantage.

> Thunderbird seems to have the Syncro stuff working much better than
> all other clients.  They are open source, can't Ritlabs just copy and
> paste the code?

Funnily, I started using TB! IMAP the way you currently used it. I had
the problems you did. I switched to ThunderBird in frustration and
watched how it did things. I wondered if I could make things work in a
similar way in TB!... and here I am after discovering that my current
settings closely mimics the way ThunderBird works. :) No wonder TB!
works much better this way.

> I set all my settings to your suggestions, then did a restart, then
> did a folder maintenance with all options on all folders. This fixed
> 34 folders. I then found my local TBat mail folders were 7.2GB, yes
> Gigabytes. I deleted all the BIN, TBI, and TBB files (Ritlabs, this is
> a bug, I should not have to do this, please fix this) and now
> everything seems reasonable.

.. as they will likely continue to be.

ThunderBird has one ability over TB!. I've noted that on selecting a
folder for browsing, ThunderBird will go ahead and retrieve other new
message bodies as you read. It will not necessarily wait for you to
select a message. However, your requests for message bodies takes a
clear priority over the bodies that it's retrieving for you in the
background. TB!'s option to save a connection for retrieving requested
message bodies ... if that worked well, we'd be a lot better off for it.

> You were also correct about speed.  Even though the message are not
> local, things are surprisingly fast.

There you go.

> I have one more question for you.

>> The outbox is local.

> By this do you mean you have NO check next to Outbox?  This is another
> bug.  How the F*&^ is a new user supposed to know to do that.

:) I understand the frustration. I wonder the same thing myself. One of
my current frustrations with IMAP has nothing to do with how well I have
it working, but how easy it is to happen upon ways of making it work
badly. This needs to be sorted out. The user shouldn't easily be able to
de-tune IMAP so that it works badly.

  -= Curtis =-
The Bat!™ v3.61.09 Echo (Beta) / http://specs.aimlink.name
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...Nothing is as inevitable as a mistake whose time has come

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