Dimitry Andric wrote:

I've migrated to Thunderbird for some time now.  Even the so-called
"unstable" nightly builds are far more stable than The Bat has ever
been.  In some cases, The Bat is a bit faster, in other cases
Thunderbird is.

I find the same here. I always am on the latest nightly, just one hiccup ,and that was fixed in less than 2 days.

I've mainly migrated because of the almost flawless IMAP support in
Thunderbird.  Of course this makes it quite easy to do, since you
don't have to "import" your message base at all!  It's already there
on the server.

True, but if you need to migrate from TB! to TBird it is very, very easy, even if you don't have IMAP... http://forums.mozillazine.org/viewtopic.php?t=16245

Note that Thunderbird DOES have much less features than The Bat, but I
hardly use most of the strange cruft RIT has been adding since 2.x.
And with the nice plugin system of mozilla.org you can download quite
a number of extensions, which might provide the function(s) you need.
 In my case that's mostly the PGP/GPG support.

That was the intended purpose of TBird, to make a an e-mail client with a solid, functioning core, then let the user determine what widgets to hang on it.

PS: I do follow this list still, and occasionally download one of the

Not anymore, I'm done...



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