Hello Cees,

Tuesday, November 1, 2005, 3:45:20 PM, you wrote:

>>> ARRRRGH Du bringst mich an den Rand des Wahnsinns!

ASK>> ARRRRGH this should've been a PM. I forgot to adjust the recipient and
ASK>> accidentally sent it to the list. Sorry sorry sorry.

C>  that explains a lot, since some of us DO understand German! :)

True.  Also we now know for certain that the transition to the state of
(near-)madness both in German and English runs through the cry "ARRRRGH"!


Best Wishes,
The Bat! Version 3.62.08 
MyMacros 1.11

zOmbie's Macros Version 0.7 
Windows 2000 Professional/5.0 build 2195 Service Pack 4 (0 days 3:17:3) on
Uno AMD Duron

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