On 11/1/2005, 12:59 PM, you scribbled:

V> Hello Mike,

V>>> Write  a  BT.  Bug  must  be in a code, the boolean (that triggers the
V>>> email  sent to you) is set true too early to signal the success of the
V>>> backup. I think, it is easy to fix.
>> Here's the BT link...
>> https://www.ritlabs.com/bt/view.php?id=5277

V> I  read  the  BT, and I started to think about it, just before I wrote
V> that "Confirmed."

V> There  is  an event scheduled. At the start, you make a backup, at the
V> finish, you generate the email. But that email will ALWAYS say that it
V> was  successful,  as  you  made  the  template  saying  that  it was a
V> successful backup, right?

V> So,  I  think  the real solution somewhere would be the possibility to
V> evaluate the result of the start action. Because now you set a mail to
V> be  set  when  the  EVENT  FINISHED,  not  when  the  START ACTION WAS

V> Do you see the difference?

V> So, for a 2nd thought, it is not really a bug, as the faulty email is
V> not because of bad evaluation (my mistake), but the lack of
V> evaluation...

V> Maybe, there should be some:

V> 'Run this action if the "Start action was successful"...' between the
V> start and the finish actions...

I agree, there are two different conditions. Unfortunately the
success/failure of the scheduled function is irrelevant.

I agree this may not be an actual bug, but I believe it is bad form.
Imagine thinking all of your e-mails have been backed up for the last
month, then one day you need them. Or the maintenance that wasn't
really done until one day your mail file becomes inaccessible.




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