Hi Nick,
On Mon, 5 Dec 2005, at 13:55:15 [GMT -0600] (which was 20:55 where I live) 
you wrote about: 'Voyager - I'm crying Uncle.'

> Hello Robert,

>> What is your setting for Home Directory in Account Properties/Files &
>> Directories. Did you speficy a complete path or are you using <Default>.
>> I have <Default> for each account and just a Mail Directory set in
>> Preferences/System.

> A complete path. Because..... and this is why I want Voyager so badly,
> I have the mail directories on a USB drive - not below the folder with
> all of TB's executables.

If you set the root mail directory in TheBat (Preferences/System) to the
USB drive, you should be able to use <default> for each Account.

Robert van der Hulst

Using The Bat! 3.63.06 (Beta) on Windows XP.5.1.2600 Service Pack 2


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