Reply to message sent 12/05/2005, @ 20:44:25 (1:44 PM Locally)

Hello Robert,

> Get rid of that and let everything be relative to the General Mail
> Directory, and it works.

Wow, what an adventure that turned out to be!

I changed the directory of all my accounts to be defaulted to the
normal mail folder. Suddenly TB crashed. Big time. Wouldn't start back
up. Rebooted. Still no luck. Ran MSI repair. Nothing. Oh-oh.

I had to do a complete uninstall and reinstall.

Finally got Pro installed and running but guess what - I could never
get my common filters loaded into Pro. I'm guessing there's a real
problem associated with common filters and converting to Pro or

For giggles, since I was already in up to my neck, I added some new
common filters to Pro and tried to get Voyager up and running.

Well, changing my mail folders back to default did indeed fix the
problem of Voyager trying to access stuff that didn't exist and I got
all my accounts loaded and intact - but the new common filters I
created in Pro didn't make the transfer. So I'm stuck rebuilding
hundreds of common filters.

After all this, I have these words for Ritlabs about Voyager:

They really need to work out how to do a backup and restore from a
program that is *not* using the default settings - I can't be the only
person that was not using them.

They also need to figure out what's happening with common filters.

Still, overall I am very happy to have Voyager running - even if I
have a lot of filter rebuilding ahead of me.

Fly for now,
 òžó Nick

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