Hallo Mary,

On Wed, 14 Dec 2005 15:48:16 -0600GMT (14-12-2005, 22:48 +0100, where
I live), you wrote:

MB> Well, I have been writing about this for two days, ever since it

Yes, I noticed, but I didn't have the time to reply to it before.

MB> In my logical, "commonsense" amateur view, the Outbox should respect
MB> the address in the To Field and Address Book templates should prevail
MB> over Account templates.

Listen carefully what you're saying now. You're talking about address
book templates and account templates, but it's no account template
that's bugging you, it's either a general setting. When you're opening
a written message there is no template that can be interpreted,
because when that would happen, you'd lose the text you'd already
written. You can't have half of the template to be interpreted again
and the other half to be neglected.

MB> So, whether it's a failure in design or a bug in the design workings,
MB> it is something I deal with--not every once in a while, as you do--but
MB> every day.

In that case I can only suggest that you finish your messages without
saving them as draft. You could change the general setting when it's
bothering you that much, but I guess that would mean that when you're
writing a message you don't want to sign, will prompt you for a

MB> It is not a new feature that I'm asking for.

Yes, it is a new feature. Just because you don't understand what's
causing the issue, doesn't mean it's a bug.

MB> It is for the MicroEd to work when called from the Outbox the same as
MB> it does when called from "Write a message to this address" or when
MB> called from a Reply button or Reply shortcut key.

No, you don't want that, because that would mean that you'd start with
an empty message and you don't want that.

Groetjes, Roelof

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