Hello MAU,

>>> They won't, I give up. They are stubborn, blind and don't have the
>>> time to read our reasons. So, why waste our time and bother?
>> I posted to Stefan that your purpose (as I understood it) in proposing
>> a Draft folder, at this time, was that it was a more elegant, simpler,
>> and intuitive way to protect the Outbox than implementing the new
>> "Outbox Protection" feature.
> You did understand very correctly, not like other(s) I won't mention :)

MAU!!! :)))

I  think,  this is where we differ: I dont even THINK ABOUT protecting
the  Outbox  using  the current OPF. That is a dead-end, I think. Mail
copy  to  Outbox  should invoke a window for the user to remind him to
the problems associated with same message ID, etc.

What I debate is, that IF the Outbox would be protected that way, OR
the starting point is 3.62.14, why -from my point of view- the Draft
folder is unnecessary.

You  and  others say, that you cannot distinguish between "Keep" mails
and drafts. Each of them has park flag, right? My question: if this is
the  only  problem,  only  cause  you  want  a  Draft  folder, then my
question:  if  there  will  be a Draft folder, do you store "keep" and
drafts in them, also?

In your wish you say: "Messages in Draft should always be Parked, just
like  they  are now in Outbox". Also, your wish would not let messages
in  Outbox  to have park flags... So: why the current system is wrong,
where  "parked" icon means that a message is a draft in the Outbox, no
park flag means that it can be sent?

The Bat 3.62.14 on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Szervizcsomag 2

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