Hello Everyone!

1) In correspondence with Dierk, he has told me that since installing
beta v. 3.64.03 his New and Reply templates do not work for the entry
he has for me in his Address Book. He has given me permission to use
our conversation and his templates in this post I"m making to TBBETA.

2) I copied his template into a QT and set up a %QUINCLUDE= line to
call that QT to the New Message template of my entry for Dierk in my
own Address Book. I modified only the Account, Sig, and Language
macros to reflect my own configuration.

3) After tabbing to the message body on a New Message with Dierk's
address in the To field, The Bat! crashed--closing with no alert.

4) I have tried to run down the problem by setting up various kinds of
nested QT AB templates, but each one works as designed.

Here is a copy-and-paste from Dierk's message to me early this
morning. The top template is the one for his English correspondents,
which works.

The bottom template is the one for me, which does not work.

Begin Copy-and-Paste of PM from Dierk to Mary:

I've found out something even stranger than I thought:

  It's only templates I created to converse with you that don't work

  Here's my usual template for new messages to English-speaking





  Here's the one for you:





  As you can see, there's only one additional line in it, telling TB
  to encrypt the message; similar set-ups exist for replies and

  In your AB entry the "Use specific ..." are all selected. The
  problem seems to lie with the PGP encrypt line - although I have no
  idea how that should interfere the way it does (not calling the
  specific template at all).

End Copy-and-Paste of PM message from Dierk to Mary.

Dierk's templates have been working for him in this way ever since I
began corresponding with him PM over 3 years ago.

It is only since he installed beta v. 3.63.04 that my entry won't

AS I understand it, he dropped back to the original full release v.
3.63.01 Christmas Edition. This cured a couple of the faults that
turned up in beta v. 3.63.04 for him.

But the QT AB entry for me is still not working, even after dropping

Any thoughts--or ways to test further--on this flaw in the current
beta will be most appreciated!

Best regards,
The Bat 3.64.03 Christmas Edition on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 2

 Current beta is 3.64.03 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

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