Hello Robert,

>> So,  if  I  select  addresses by Ctrl+click, and I cannot deselect
>> the last selected contact by Ctrl+clicking on it again.
> Ummmm, if I understand correctly:
> I opened AB ..
> I selected an address by <ctrl-click>
>            it then was highlited

> I select another and it is ALSO highlited
> And another (same)
> And another (same)
> Then
>     I go to a previously highlited entry and ctrl-click it
>     it is UN-highlighted
> And Ctrl-click another previously highlighted
>     AND it is UN-highlighted
> Then RE-ctrl-click an AB entry and is then again highlited
> then on to a different new entry and ctrl-click makes it highlited
> then to a previously highlited one UN-highlites it
> so, I can not confirm what you said

When  you  highlight  one, Ctrl+click on it AGAIN without moving to an
other address. See, it does not become un-highlighted...

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