Hello Roelof!

On Friday, February 03, 2006, 2:02 PM, you wrote:

MB>> I seem to remember that there's a way to get this annoying box (it
MB>> obscures whatever message listing happens to fall in its space) to
MB>> hide itself. But I can't find it.

>   View -> Toolbars -> Quicksearch
> Or drag it to another place, when you drag it to the other toolbars,
> it docks.

Thanks, Roelof.

Neither ticking the View/Toolbars/Quicksearch box nor unticking it has
any effect.

Secondly, the box will not be dragged. (Hold down right mouse button
with cursor on box--nothing happens when I try to move it.)

I guess I should report this on TBBETA. So, CCing there.

Best regards,
The Bat! 3.70.07 "Qigong" (Beta) on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 2

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