On 15/3/2006 at 4:39:37 AM [GMT -0500], Paul Meathrel wrote:

> I have a problem when backing up my version of TB. Recently I added a
> new IMAP account which synchronised some key folders including the
> Inbox from an account on an Exchange Server. On backing up, everything
> goes fine as normal until I reach the new IMAP folder. At which point
> I get about 100 errors pop up on the screen which says:

> "An error occurred while storing data of the folder XXX. It is
> possible that the message base index file is damaged - try to delete
> the index file and re-read the file, then try to backup again."

I just ran a backup and got similar errors, though it didn't happen for
all folders and there was only one pop-up for each of the 'problem'

> According to the error message there is an index file that I should
> try to delete, does anyone know what this file is called? I'm guessing
> from looking in the folder that it is probably called either xxx.tbb
> or xxx.tbi and I would guess that it's the .tbi one! Could someone
> confirm?

That would be the .tbi file, yes. Let us know how you fair after
deleting the .tbi file.

  -= Curtis =-
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