Hello Alexander!

On Monday, October 09, 2006, 12:57 PM, you wrote:

>> Alex, I thought I wrote clearly, but I guess I didn't:

>> I *did* write in the message body. The greeting is part of the message
>> body. I changed "Hello siss," to Hello Sue!"

> Ah. I have overlooked that detail. I see it now in the paragraph you
> wrote, but it was difficult for me to spot it. :-)

>> I simply won't use the handle function any more. A great loss of
>> convenience for me, of course. But, security over convenience every
>> time, in my hierarchy of priorities.

> Maybe you should just change your way of handling things like this. As
> Paul said, simply start over again with a new message where you're sure
> you typed in the correct handle. Or add some subtle change in the
> signature, greetings, or somewhere else in the template that uses
> encryption, so that you have a visual confirmation that you're indeed
> sending the message encrypted.

No, no. Again, you've missed my point. All I have to do is not use the
To-field "handle" function. You do know what that is?

I'm too old and too much a creature of habit to trust my use of it any
more, with this trap embedded in it.

Remember, I'm going on 80 years old.

>> I thought some sort of over-ride for addresses with "%ENCRYPTCOMPLETE"
>> in their templates over addresses without that macro might be
>> possible to code.

> That would require to sorta "classify" the macros. I can't really say if
> this is a convenient way to handle this issue, since the personal
> preference of users may differ, and the last thing I need would be
> another configuration dialogue to classify the macros (just thinking the
> idea to the end).

Well, I'm not a programmer, of course. :)

>>> Maybe there should be some sort of notification window, something
>>> like: "Warning - the TO address uses a different message template
>>> than the one that was initially applied. Do you want to discard any
>>> changes in the editor and apply the new template? <YES/NO>"

>> Oh, I would be very pleased, even to have that much protection!

> Maybe the other members of the list should chime in here so that
> eventually a reasonable wish can be formed out of this.

That's why I put it up here at TBBETA.

If it were only myself, I'd shut up. I've learned my *own* lesson.
Baptism of fire, no less!!!!!

TB! is (one hopes) constantly gaining new customers. I'd hate for this
to pop up with no warning in the face of one of them, and with an
encrypted message to their bank, for instance.

Bad scene.

Best regards,
The Bat 3.86.02 on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 2

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