Hello Peter Hampf & everyone else,

on 24-Nov-2006 at 23:40 you (Peter Hampf) wrote:

> cd %temp%
> cd ..
> if not exist temp goto skip
>   {instructions to remove dir and files}
> :skip

> But even this isn't foolproof. What if there exists a FILE with the name
> temp and not a directory? In that case "if exist temp" will also return
> true.

If there's a file named temp you can't CD to it I'd assume... :-)

> cd /d %temp%
> cd ..

> to avoid problems.

Good point.

Best regards,
 Alexander (http://www.neurowerx.de)

...The first thing that must be asked about future man is whether he
will be alive, and will know how to keep alive, and not whether it is
a good thing that he should be alive. -- Charles Galton Darwin

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