Hello Roger,

On Thu, 31 May 2007 you wrote in <mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

RP> You   are   lucky!   I  haven't  been  able  to find where the icons are now
RP> stored,  even in version 3.99.3 where they still display.

I haven't a clue either and your comment on "The good old days"
certainly holds weight! ;-)

What happens when you right click on the toolbar and choose customise?
Are your icons showing there? Maybe you use an odd icon size? Sorry,
just speculating. There's a long thread on the toolbar in the Sniper
forum and the author also shows you to manually add a toolbar as well
which I've appended below the URL to save you the hassle of going to the
site. Maybe it won't make any difference as the Junk buttons are the
standard ones anyway but, maybe, it'd be worth a try! ;-)


You can add the toolbar manually for TheBat too. It is easy:

- Open Customize dialog (View | Toolbars | Customize...) 

- Click on New toolbar... button and create a new toolbar with the name 

- Add the following buttons for it in Layout section: 
Mark as Junk 
Mark as NOT Junk 
<any button with icon> 
<any button with icon> 
<any button with icon> 
<any button with icon> 

- The plug-in will attach the new toolbar automatically.


| The Bat! 3.99.8 with POP3 account & AntispamSniper
| Windows XP (build 2600) version 5.1 Service Pack 2
| F-Prot AV, Outpost Firewall Pro, Spysweeper, Adaware, SpyBot
| CPU: Athlon 1.09 Ghz
| RAM: 1024 MB

Holiday in France: http://perso.wanadoo.fr/lazyhomes/holiday.html

 Current beta is 3.99.07 | 'Using TBBETA' information:

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