Hi Thomas,

JB>>    Though Outlook would have let me ignore this fault... :>)
JB>>    Sorry to bother the list...
> Ritlabs is of the opinion that that it is in your best interest if
> they deny you the option of accepting an expired certificate. They say
> that they have heard of a grandmother who clicked on YES mistakenly,
> and now her system is broken.
> So, that's why folks who need to accept an expired certificate and
> really know what they are doing, cannot use TB! but must use Outlook.
> I'm a bit sad that Ritlabs is not interested in those customers who
> know what they are doing any more.

   THANX... After going though the effort to setup Outlook to test the
   account I remembered seeing this discussed in the past... thus the
   smiley after my comment...

   I can see RitLabs Point... BUT after 30+ years of Eng and support
   experience I'd have to second the suggestion that Alerting a User
   is Imperative... Denying a (knowledgeable) user after the Alert is
   excessive and Not in the best interest of the user OR product :<(


                                         Best Regards,

 Current beta is 3.99.07 | 'Using TBBETA' information:

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